My drawing and painting is based on observation, they reflect the world which I lay my focus on....


Actually I like to work directly on the subject, a scene or a person, most often invovling maritime matters. I feel that the contact with the subject creates a connection which helps to anchor its appearance more deeply in the mind.



In the same spirit I also do sketches after nature, which I will use to work from. There will be a slightly different approach on a project developped as from the sketch. The sketch will be the first interpretation of the suject. When then working the subject after a sketch, the resulting painting will be its second interpretation.



Finally I would also work with fotos which I have taken while being out, travelling or visiting, with its constraints which brings the framed image as presettled composition.

 would reflect a sort of a view out of a window... a kind of escape route...



but then again, some context would require a more extensive research to be understood.

The internet we have these days is a quasi unlimited source of imagery...


Still, the need to use both, the three dimensional object as well as a foto support - in my creative world the one goes with the other..